
Boy In His Apartment In A Heat Wave - 8/09


hide the blankets in the closet
hide the blankets in the closet

hide the dust beneath the bed
hide the dust beneath the bed

hide the breath behind the toothpaste
hide the breath behind the toothpaste

hide the eyes beneath a mask
hide the eyes beneath a mask

hide the memory with the moment
hide the memory with desire

hide yourself on a key chain
forgotten in the drawer


now brush your smoke stained hair.

~Los Angeles - 5/30/01

The Platonic Theory

Maybe I'm wrong
I think it was
Plato who once said

that if

one is beautiful
on the outside
it's because
they're beautiful
on the inside,

and if

one is beautiful
on the inside
it's because
they're beautiful
on the outside...

Plato was
a pretty smart guy,
but Plato
never lived in
Los Angeles.
